John Fouyaxis

Published: Feb 8th, 2024

How secure are your medical records

New tools empower the next generation of healthcare applications but what does that mean for the security of your medical data?

Data security

As a developer and technologist, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is important. This lets us build high-quality, innovative and modern applications.

In recent years, there have been many new tools released that make it easier than ever for almost anyone to create and test applications.... but what does this mean for the security of your medical records and personal data?

One of the most exciting new tools is the inclusion of artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. This allows developers to add intelligent features to their applications, such as natural language processing and predictive analytics. With these tools, applications can understand and respond to user input in a more intuitive way.

Public Large Language Models (LLMs) present a chat interface to engage users in conversational exchanges. They also expose Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow applications to interact and extract response data. ChatGPT from OpenAI is a prime example of this. It's important to understand the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of applications built on top of LLMs to ensure that any data your provide is not exposed to other third-party users or applied to train (or teach) models.

Another trend is the increasing use of cloud-based platforms. These platforms allow developers to create, test, and deploy applications without the need for expensive on-premises infrastructure. This makes it easier for users to access the applications, collaborate and work from anywhere in the world. It also means that data - often your personal or medical data - is stored in 'the cloud'.

New tools available today are making it easier and more efficient for developers to create high-quality, innovative health applications. As a result, we are likely to see even more exciting and useful applications in the future.

As a consumer of these products, you need to understand how your data is used, stored and shared to make informed decisions.